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10 Way to Relax in Lockdown

Saturday, 16 January 2021 19:41

I hope you enjoy this beautiful Devi Prayer by Craig Pruess and Ananda.
I always find it soothing and relaxing.

It is so easy to be caught up in the worry and the fear which has gripped the whole world. Now, more than ever, is the time to focus on what we have and take joy in the small things. These are 10 ways in which I have been relaxing during lockdown:

  1. yoga & meditation - obviously!
  2. walking in nature - it's a great way to catch up with friends and family (one at a time, of course)
  3. a long soak in the bath
  4. cooking - I love eating and I find cooking therapeutic. Win-win!
  5. listening to music - and sometimes singing and dancing along to it too!
  6. catching up with family and friends on a group video call
  7. watching TV - Last Kingdom is my favourite series this last year (Netflix)
  8. learning
  9. sleeping - so easy to overlook and so vital to our wellbeing
  10. rehydrating - not an obvious one I know. If my lips are dry then my brain and vital organs are dehydrated too. Drinking enough water is an underrated way to make the body feel better, and thus more relaxed. Try it out for yourself!

With so many options denied to us at the moment, I feel better when I focus on what I can do and then crack on and do it. Which will you do next: one of these 10 or another of your own? There are plenty others to be added to the list. What will you add to yours?